Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Went to SG for few day.. It been a very very long time no holiday and have a very fun holiday in thr.. It is a budget holiday vacation coz we have no much money in pocket. hahaha...

We have save the money for the accommodation coz have the chance to stay in my fren aunty house. hahah...

Let start with the trip... .

haha, having our MCD set lunch in LARKIN STATION before going SG..

hahha, by spending RM1.90, we have sitting in the bus for around 1 hour, YES, RM1.90, DON THINK U CAN DO THIS IN MALAYSIA..

just arrive SG...

Here we are..


2nd day, before we left the house to 2nd day trip..hahah, left our DA LOU ANDREW coz he snapping the photo.. :P

here the most convenient public transport in SG.. so called MRT..

1st stop in the 2nd day..forgot the name of the complex....

by using this card, we can claim back SG1 after we have out the MRT.. hahha, good idea..

SG LANDMARK.. hahahah, must go else not mean visited SG...

something that we do not understand when i see it.. it is too ARTISTIC.. ahahah

tis 2 person sit thr take pic.. so lazy..

hahah, so called MMU FANTASY 4....

look like a DURIAN... so unique..

MITCHELL with the Punk drawing..

Kelvin with the PUNK drawing..

Jane with LOVE LOVE LOVE drawing..

andrew with BOTTLE DRAWING..


It is like tis... hahah

Monorail into SENTOSA!!!

MITCHELL is looking at some gals in front...

DAM DAM DAM... tis is the little cute gal... hahahah

my DA LOU so action face. ahahhahah

Pretty Gals and Pretty Dolphin. Nice Match..

The Trainer look pretty le.. hahahahha

She can swim damn fast...

Pink Dolphin, 1st time see it.. heheh

hahah, ok. now stop at here 1st, will be update SG TRIP PART 2 later.. Gaming now.. ahahahahh, mates, catch up my blog lo.. ahhahahah

Sunday, March 29, 2009


wow..Today is my big DAY!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


WOW, its holi, holi, holiday... wahahahaa, so long no holiday, but tis time holiday plan to go visit SINGAPORE!!!! Have a long time not been visit thr since i m a kid.. ahhah

Tis week holiday is with d budget, so cant simply buy thing.. ahahha, mayb have a look at thr den next time jus go back to grap all the thing i want. whahahah

Wil update more when i back from thr.. hahhaha

Thursday, March 19, 2009




Omg, look at the time, is dy 6.55pm now.. Getting to exam on the next morning on 10am. but now stil not yet finish study.. I m really tired now!!

Today early morning have to go tutorial, but I slept at 4am yesterday. Due to some of the training, I have to slep late and wake up early today for my 9am class. Once the tutorial end, have to rush to do my PASSPORT. Coz coming mid term break have to go SINGAPORE with my fren. I am broke once I have pay the fees for it. It also make me waste of more than 2 hour for that queue. Really tired for it..

Finish the passport, next is my revision on my tml test. I have nth in my mind but my phone is keep on ringing due to the other matters.. Really feel like want to off my phone to have a PEACE WORLD for today til my exam.. But I cant, I have no choise for it, coz i have choose to be in the way..

ARH!!!!! from 3pm-6pm, I cant slep at all due to the call keep coming, How I wish I can have a 30min nap for it before I cont my revision, but I cant!!!!!

1901, end of this post. Have to rush back to my revision.... I hope to have a good dream but I cant.....SAD SAD... :(

Monday, March 16, 2009


last sun, have went for shopping and have buy something that have never ever try before. hehe, don think wrong. jus some new style for my self.. but once i buy and try, not bad huh.. so jus buy few thing and try for this fresh look. hahah..

Upload it for fren to share with you all my fresh look..


I am attended my fren birthday last few week, and this time, should be my last time to celebrate his birthday if not mistaken. Coz going to graduate, dono stil will have the chance to meet him and celebrate with all of the fren or not..

Her gal fren, book d venue and purposely make d surprise for him. Hear what my fren say is, he is not go back house for the whole day coz his gal not letting. I think his gal might busy in the house for cooking all the nice food for his surprising big day.

This is the 1st time going the SPORT BAR, not bad, feel so nice in thr. pool table look nice, ppl thr not like outside those shop, and have the comfortable sofa for us to rest thr. Overall that is NOT BAD for me. ehehhe

Upload some photo of tat day here to share with fren..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who You Want To Be?

Sometimes, I have think that m I really need study so long? F*ck Up, study so long but come out just listen to someone instruction or order to work. Sometimes, the head of department is even less educated that you.. Hahaha, this is life, but for me, I really don't think study so long is really can promise to survive.

If one day, you meet 2 person, A and B. They are same age with you now, and A, have his own business and even have those luxury stuff that you have dream off and a happy life without worry for those stupid RETRENCHMENT and those UNEMPLOYMENT risk. The only thing he is worse than you is he is just finish SPM.

B, A super duper genius, or we can named this kind of people as an SMART ASS (sorry ya, this is only the name i can give to them). For those College or University student, this is so called 4 pointed student or 4 flat. Hahaha, sure all student who like to study really hope they will be in that range or been named as 4flat, 4 pointed or even smart ass. But this so called GENIUS, no car, no luxury life, no business and 1 more most important thing is he still owe government money for study loan, that means is NEGATIVE in his cash flow. With the higher UNEMPLOYMENT and RETRENCHMENT risk nowadays, he have to standby with his next job always because he have never ever know when is the last day he will be in his company later.

So, if you can choose, which 1 do u prefer? Prefer with those ppl name you SMART ASS or those who Manage people?

If I have a chance, I will choose A, because if i choose B, end up you just have a cert but with NEGATIVE CASH FLOW, every month work oso need pay loan, your life is NEGATIVE. If I am A, my life is POSITIVE in CASH FLOW and all those so called educated ppl oso under my management, So that time, we just see who is really the SMART ASS. Coz those last time so called SMART ASS now is under the manage by those...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Selling Mickey MP3

Selling Mickey Mp3..
Available at 1GB and 2GB

1GB RM100 - Black, Red, Pink, Silver
2GB RM150 - Black, Red, Pink, Silver, White

grab it fast before it sold out!!!