Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Omg, its been 3.00am soon, i have to wake up at 7am later to back sban.. hahah, i think i m really fully use of my 24 hour.. Before i going slep, i must write something here 1st. today is really a bz day for me.. I have been wake up from early morning 7am to class then til 4pm jus reach home, rest 2 hour i have to go back to campus for meeting and also my rehersal.. omg.. wht is the life i have now?? so damn terrible..

Tis is the time that i jus get back my home and jus finish shower and sit in front of my lovely computer.. i have been a long time no really good touch on it, i have always bz and bz.. is not like the normal me.. coz normally i will always stick in front of the comp and play til mid night.. but not i jus can stick to my meeting and rehersal.. everyday oso meeting and rehersal.. really hope all those seminar can finish ASAP..

today rehersal have take for 4 hour.. from 10.30 - 2am.. is really sound like crazy.. i noe mayb some of the member wil don like this kind of leader. coz have never think of them at all. pratise til so late.. some even have to go to their other task tml early morning.. But wht can i do.. this is the last min job.. i jus can make it like tis if not the situation will become more worse..

mayb it will be POINT o SHOOT by some1 behind me.. but if u not satisfy v me.. i have make it clear in my few blog.. PLS TOK IN FRONT OF ME don act like a small kid.. tok behind ppl.. ACT LIKE YOU KNOW!!!

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