Friday, May 9, 2008

jus wan to be myself

today, dy the last 3 day for counting down to my final.. omg.. wht i m doing whithin this few day.. like nth in my mind.. i cant let it continue with this.. today, i have watch 2 episode fo drama when i woke up.. omg.. time is past by that.. i m jus wasting another 2 hour.. wahahhaa. feeling like cry..

yesterday, get to know that 1 of my best fren in my hometown have broke up recently.. but for me, they are a good and a sweet couple.. as i know that, the reason for them to broke up is not jus a small prob.. erm.. wht is going on between this.. wht have happen?? i may wan to find out more in tis.. coz for me, they are all treat their lovely with care and one heart. compare to outsider view, i am totally diff. coz normally, i m jus like a PLAYBOY among all ppl eye, but not including my best fren la.. of course they will know i m totally not.. hahha.. but anywhr, i must found out y they break up..

love is always end up with sadness. for me.. i can say that is when u in love, u will happy, when u end of the love, u will sad. this is the fact. no ppl can change it.. but have any1 look through this inciddent?? coz in the world that full of gossip, no matter what u do, u will get some gossip from ppl.. this is the true.. if u try to get back ur lovely since u have broke up, ppl will saying u r totally stupid, troubling, coz keep on disturbing.. but on the other hand, when u not doing anything and jus respect on his or her decision, jus let him o her free, ppl will say u r totally not in love v ur lovely before. they wil say u like won sad coz u not doing anything, not even put ur true love on him o her.. can u see that?? is all those idiot nonsense. for me.. wht can do is jus do ur self.. jus be ur self.. no matter wht ppl say.. jus ask them to shut their stupid ass hole mouth.. is not their business.. pls.. pls ACT LIKE YOU KNOW. don act like a gei po..

nowadays, i have croseeover with something new, gal nowadays is it all oso realistic?? erm.. nope i guess, coz i am still believe that still there are some gal who is really true heart v u.. really not care bout money and all those realistic stuff.. although some of ppl will say this kind of ppl is stupid, fool, but this is the really dream gal that i wan to find.. mayb 1 day later.. i have crossover with her.. then i wil show to all over the world, and shout out "I HAVE GET YOU MY DARLING" ahahahhaa, so wht can i do now? jus waiting for the day coming..

waht the fuck i m writing so much nonsense here ya?? exam is jus 2 more day later but now posting this kind of idiot blog.. wahahhahahah damn it...


Mitchy said...

Nice post this one...

I like it cos very true...

Pls ACT LIKE U KNOW....(this line also cun)

Anyway, go study la...wakaka

[K]v00n said...

hahah, sure true la.. al copyright by [K]v00n de le. wahahhaa.. ACT LIKE YOU KNOW.. jus for those like gossip ppl de.. eg is frm edison scandal.. non of the fucking ass hole shit of their business wan to gossip.. keep their ass away idiot..