Thursday, February 19, 2009


omg, is really a hot weather...recently, i have keep on taking 4-5 time bath per day.i dono what is going on with the weather but pls... pls give me a POLLING RAIN!!!! I m suffer for this hot shit for the few day... pls help me!!!!!!


Mitchy said...

yaya, so so so hot..but lucky last nite got rain and today afternoon got rain a bit down a bit..wakaka

[K]v00n said...

huh, today noon rain?? but i not thr tim.. hahaha

Mitchy said...

ya loo, u go back nia rain come...So good neh..u come nia rain go away, then u no need come back la..wahahah...jk jk

[K]v00n said...

hahah, if possible den i don back la. wahahaha