Friday, February 20, 2009


Today. as usual going to the International Finance Class, and today class is finish in 30 min early from the timetable, so I am feeling happy coz getting back early by tis.. who's noe the bad luck stuff is starting in silence without my notice..

when i reach sentral, I am rushing to the counter to try getting the 12pm bus.. but when i reached, i have noticed that is the board wrote 7.30PM in the seremban counter... I try to telling myself that maybe they have make the mistake on it and stil going to queue for the ticket.. when reach my turn, I asking..

Kelvin: KAK, SEREMBAN satu.

KAK: SEREMBAN pukul 7.30PM.



I starting to worry that got no bus going back now, how!!!!!!

I thinking of to take KL bus and going back by KTM or BUS from thr, but suddenly,I have think of 1 fren in MMU who drive mayb can help, den I trying to cal some fen in getting tis fren help, but when i get the fren num and cal, I cant cal tis fren, so I end up with take KL bus decision..

I trying to cal one of my fren in KL to asking for sending me back.. at first, my fren like having prob coz is too late, but at the end, this fren is going to help me on it.

when i getting in the bus, I have ask the driver whether can drop me downat the road side when reach sban tol, but he refuse, and i end up with going to KL... but while I waiting in the bus to start going, my fren AH YONG cal me ask me for telling the driver again coz have 1 more passenger also wanna drop by thr, so with the 1 more passenger pursuing, the driver agree to drop down us at the road side of sban tol.. THANKS SO MUCH THE DRIVER AND THANKS SO MUCH TO AH YONG..

In the bus, I am really tired and feeling sleepy, but I have to keep myself awake and tel myself if the bus miss the tol and I do not go down, I have to back from KL.. I have to stay awake in the bus with my tired and sleepy mood..

Finally, withing a hour, I have reach sban and I have drop down at the HIGHWAY road side and WALKING in to the sban tol.. It quite a long distace but it better than I have to take again the Seremban Bus from KL to coming back.. Luckly, I can drop by thr, else i think today i will be staying in MELAKA 1 more day...


Mitchy said...

Wahaha, ah yong be ur hero ar?? unbelievable...ur luck not so bad also la...hehe

[K]v00n said...

hahaha, is really unbelievable lo.. ahaha, i oso cant believe actually