Monday, March 2, 2009

khalil 方大同

As promise for my fren mit to update this blog for my recently top list singer --KHALIL FANG. Getting connect with this singer when I am listening to his <黑白>(Black & White). This song MTV is really nice , still rmb is watched in GREENBOX on Valentive with my gal. Look cool and rhythm are really comfortable.. It look like some Old-School feel..

After the 黑白(Black & White), then is the 为你写的歌(SING A LONG SONG - for English version). is really so nice. So is going to my top list in my music player of my comp and also my IPOD. After heard of all his Orange Moon Album, then I go seek for his old album which named -- 未来 & 爱爱爱.

Fren, this time I really recommend this singer to all who dono him and never hear his name before. Must go listen.. Must go buy his album. Hahah..

Just wan share with my fellow fren who never listen this before.. enjoy ya..


Mitchy said...

His song not bad but hor he not so handsome ler...hahaha....ur Edison more handsome than him...

[K]v00n said...

hahaha, sure edc is most handsome but he oso ok la.. different style..