Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Its been almost a month since my birthday. hahah, so long no update blog d... as told u all in previous post, coz bz my STUDY... Haih... I have so many thing to do but not even start to do.. Due date all jus around the corner..sienz la......

hahaha, my 1st cake, is from my really best fren in my hometown, always my DUDEs..

tis is the FRESH couple on that day.. hehehe, AS FRESH AS THE FRESH AIR. ahahahha
So Sweet o.. hehehe

MARCUS and CHEAN VOON.. Thanks for coming...

hahah, i look so fat tat time.. but now i m getting thinner. haha, trust me o..

thanks for all my fren come to celebrate for me.. heheh

miss out my lovely in the photo, but nvm, will upload next celebration with her...

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