Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I am kinda bz tis few day, everyday i have to wake up early n go to sale my jelly in campus for the investment sub. sale until 5pm, i going to eat then going to do the next day jelly. beside that, sometime will have some meeting during the time after my dinner. I am really tired of this kind of life now.. everyday oso doing the same thing.

finally. my business project is end tml, i will have to put my concentration on my next project, which is the seminar, omg... its is really scary.. i have tis seminar in the coming week, i think is 21 of april, and i am going to become the leader for 1 of the performace. which is never ever have been present, or be show by the student,------TANG TANG!!! tat is the MAGICAL CAT WALK!!!

wahahahah, is it a fresh idea and is attrating?? how awesome is tat? how magic is that?? will it have many pretty model for that?? haha, all u can get the answer only in our ISLAMIC SEMINAR...

nowadays, i really bz for my working and study. so sometime, i have no time to acc some1 there, but is it ok for me to b tat bz??? m i going to b crazy?? hahaha, hopefully not.. i think i m taking more than 3 work currently, beside that i m still a undergraduate student.. wow, i cant imaging that i can doing so much thing in 1 time.. hope i can manage my time in a good way but not make my social and study timetable become worse..

its been few day never been updated here, mit is going to say tat "NO UPDATE BUT STATUS STATE THAT IS UPDATED!!" hahaha, sorry mit, really bz til i cant change the status la.. ahhahaha

guys out thr, pls support my blog lo.. ahhaha

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