Wednesday, April 9, 2008


yeah yeah, i think tis is a bit late for me to upload some of the photo for my birthday, but the main chracter is not tat.. heheh, is actually tis shoe..

hahaha, is 1 of the own shoe i bought if for my birthday gift.. hahaha, buy for myself.. before buying this shoe, i have been ask the permission from some1 so long dy.. til she agree v it jus get it de. hahaha... is green in colour.. hahaha
haha, i like to take the photo when work, tis is 1 of the photo that the 1st day i wear it going work.. wahahhaha


Mitchy said...

lolz, buy shoe also need ask permission ar?? so cham oo...hahaha

[K]v00n said...

hahaha, no la.. jus don letme simply waste money.. so jus ask some1 lo. :P