Omg, its been 3.00am soon, i have to wake up at 7am later to back sban.. hahah, i think i m really fully use of my 24 hour.. Before i going slep, i must write something here 1st. today is really a bz day for me.. I have been wake up from early morning 7am to class then til 4pm jus reach home, rest 2 hour i have to go back to campus for meeting and also my rehersal.. omg.. wht is the life i have now?? so damn terrible..
Tis is the time that i jus get back my home and jus finish shower and sit in front of my lovely computer.. i have been a long time no really good touch on it, i have always bz and bz.. is not like the normal me.. coz normally i will always stick in front of the comp and play til mid night.. but not i jus can stick to my meeting and rehersal.. everyday oso meeting and rehersal.. really hope all those seminar can finish ASAP..
today rehersal have take for 4 hour.. from 10.30 - 2am.. is really sound like crazy.. i noe mayb some of the member wil don like this kind of leader. coz have never think of them at all. pratise til so late.. some even have to go to their other task tml early morning.. But wht can i do.. this is the last min job.. i jus can make it like tis if not the situation will become more worse..
mayb it will be POINT o SHOOT by some1 behind me.. but if u not satisfy v me.. i have make it clear in my few blog.. PLS TOK IN FRONT OF ME don act like a small kid.. tok behind ppl.. ACT LIKE YOU KNOW!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Recently, i have been bz with my University project, those seminar, assignment all make me sick.. i am even no much time to sleep in this few week. I jus finish my last week business project, this week is my seminar preparation.. I am really headached for it.. I am taking in charge in 1 of the performance, CAT WALK.. really bz bz bz... today actually is MALACA HISTORICAL day, but early morning have to wake up to campus meeting, then rehersal.. omg.. i am going to faint if this situation keep on going the same.. yesterday night doing all those rehersal til 11pm today early 9am need go campus meeting.. i am super duper tired.
beside that, my personal time is not enough.. working time is now add-ing in my normal timetable. i have no more free for it.. but wht can i say?? i have never blame on it. coz the main thing i really need is ---- money. i have no chance to say NO.. if there is a single chance to earn money i think i will too..
last few day, have a big argue with one of my fren.. really really serious offense. tat mayb is my careless, never check probably something tat should take, so make this fren so damn angry. but what can i say is jus a S-O-R-R-Y. i cant do anything. coz last few day have many emergency happen, but no need to tel out ppl, jus myself noe, is been no time for me to catch up with so many details stuff.. so mayb tis is d reason i have miss out something that should bring to my fren. my fren have told me that i have not appreciate other thing beside of my girlfren. i think my fren is going wrong.. i m not.. i jus have no time.. but watever, i jus dono wht the fuck is going on, i no time to explain. my job is not done yet, when does me have other time to explain such thing..
really really bz.. i think better u guys don simply come and kacau me.. i wil no much time to entertaint u all.. if u guys think that i padan muka coz wan take so much job in a time then jus let it be.. coz tis is MY OWN BUSINESS, i have never ever complain in front of anyone of u, so don try to get in my business. I don like ppl interupt me.. I HAVE MY OWN WAY TO LIVE. u can hate me, but pls don try to tok something bad behind me.. i HATE it. u think u wan to live easy and happy is ur business, don put ut mindset on me. I am ME, not U..
ARGGGGGG!!!! so damn angry when someone is toking bad story behind me.. if u have GUT and DARE ENOUGH, TOK IT IN FRONT OF ME STUPID IDIOT ASS HOLE....
beside that, my personal time is not enough.. working time is now add-ing in my normal timetable. i have no more free for it.. but wht can i say?? i have never blame on it. coz the main thing i really need is ---- money. i have no chance to say NO.. if there is a single chance to earn money i think i will too..
last few day, have a big argue with one of my fren.. really really serious offense. tat mayb is my careless, never check probably something tat should take, so make this fren so damn angry. but what can i say is jus a S-O-R-R-Y. i cant do anything. coz last few day have many emergency happen, but no need to tel out ppl, jus myself noe, is been no time for me to catch up with so many details stuff.. so mayb tis is d reason i have miss out something that should bring to my fren. my fren have told me that i have not appreciate other thing beside of my girlfren. i think my fren is going wrong.. i m not.. i jus have no time.. but watever, i jus dono wht the fuck is going on, i no time to explain. my job is not done yet, when does me have other time to explain such thing..
really really bz.. i think better u guys don simply come and kacau me.. i wil no much time to entertaint u all.. if u guys think that i padan muka coz wan take so much job in a time then jus let it be.. coz tis is MY OWN BUSINESS, i have never ever complain in front of anyone of u, so don try to get in my business. I don like ppl interupt me.. I HAVE MY OWN WAY TO LIVE. u can hate me, but pls don try to tok something bad behind me.. i HATE it. u think u wan to live easy and happy is ur business, don put ut mindset on me. I am ME, not U..
ARGGGGGG!!!! so damn angry when someone is toking bad story behind me.. if u have GUT and DARE ENOUGH, TOK IT IN FRONT OF ME STUPID IDIOT ASS HOLE....
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
yeah yeah, i think tis is a bit late for me to upload some of the photo for my birthday, but the main chracter is not tat.. heheh, is actually tis shoe..

hahaha, is 1 of the own shoe i bought if for my birthday gift.. hahaha, buy for myself.. before buying this shoe, i have been ask the permission from some1 so long dy.. til she agree v it jus get it de. hahaha... is green in colour.. hahaha
haha, i like to take the photo when work, tis is 1 of the photo that the 1st day i wear it going work.. wahahhaha
I am kinda bz tis few day, everyday i have to wake up early n go to sale my jelly in campus for the investment sub. sale until 5pm, i going to eat then going to do the next day jelly. beside that, sometime will have some meeting during the time after my dinner. I am really tired of this kind of life now.. everyday oso doing the same thing.
finally. my business project is end tml, i will have to put my concentration on my next project, which is the seminar, omg... its is really scary.. i have tis seminar in the coming week, i think is 21 of april, and i am going to become the leader for 1 of the performace. which is never ever have been present, or be show by the student,------TANG TANG!!! tat is the MAGICAL CAT WALK!!!
wahahahah, is it a fresh idea and is attrating?? how awesome is tat? how magic is that?? will it have many pretty model for that?? haha, all u can get the answer only in our ISLAMIC SEMINAR...
nowadays, i really bz for my working and study. so sometime, i have no time to acc some1 there, but is it ok for me to b tat bz??? m i going to b crazy?? hahaha, hopefully not.. i think i m taking more than 3 work currently, beside that i m still a undergraduate student.. wow, i cant imaging that i can doing so much thing in 1 time.. hope i can manage my time in a good way but not make my social and study timetable become worse..
its been few day never been updated here, mit is going to say tat "NO UPDATE BUT STATUS STATE THAT IS UPDATED!!" hahaha, sorry mit, really bz til i cant change the status la.. ahhahaha
guys out thr, pls support my blog lo.. ahhaha
finally. my business project is end tml, i will have to put my concentration on my next project, which is the seminar, omg... its is really scary.. i have tis seminar in the coming week, i think is 21 of april, and i am going to become the leader for 1 of the performace. which is never ever have been present, or be show by the student,------TANG TANG!!! tat is the MAGICAL CAT WALK!!!
wahahahah, is it a fresh idea and is attrating?? how awesome is tat? how magic is that?? will it have many pretty model for that?? haha, all u can get the answer only in our ISLAMIC SEMINAR...
nowadays, i really bz for my working and study. so sometime, i have no time to acc some1 there, but is it ok for me to b tat bz??? m i going to b crazy?? hahaha, hopefully not.. i think i m taking more than 3 work currently, beside that i m still a undergraduate student.. wow, i cant imaging that i can doing so much thing in 1 time.. hope i can manage my time in a good way but not make my social and study timetable become worse..
its been few day never been updated here, mit is going to say tat "NO UPDATE BUT STATUS STATE THAT IS UPDATED!!" hahaha, sorry mit, really bz til i cant change the status la.. ahhahaha
guys out thr, pls support my blog lo.. ahhaha
Friday, April 4, 2008
Today, is the afternoon, actually i am doing nothing but jus go trhough my note for tomorrow exam, suddenly, get the call from my girlfreind about the big problem have come across to me which is HER FREN CANT WORK. This really make me so shock beacuse tomorrow is the working day but the fella just suddenly msg my girlfren say that she may not be work for tomorrow and not going to work for it. I am really angry about that. Do you guy know how serious offese is it? This is the last minute story..
The fella tel me in the noon, that she wont be working for me. I need to search for people to replace her. If this happen 1 week before now I am sure i can get people, but this is not, this is the last minute. I am rushing of time for my preparation for the exam tomorrow but now i have another burden which is searching someone jus wan to replace that jack ass place. (pls forgive me for that inpolite word) i am really angry bout that.
I use the whole afternoon to find people for work. asking many friend for help. In the end, I have come across with this friend, MI FEI, I really need to thanks her coz she is helping me on this. because she can lend me her hand on this incident. really so aprreciate her help else i will be lack of 1 promoter for helping for me tomorrow.
from this story, i have learn a lesson that i have to find few more promoter for backup in case there is someone telling me the same story, i can straight away kick their ass and replace it with my other helper that i have stand by..
I am really hate people who cant keep their promise. I HATE PEOPLE BREAK THEIR PROMISE. So people out there, if you cant keep your promise on me please to promise me anything, else i will hate you as i hate the jack ass that i mention here..
The fella tel me in the noon, that she wont be working for me. I need to search for people to replace her. If this happen 1 week before now I am sure i can get people, but this is not, this is the last minute. I am rushing of time for my preparation for the exam tomorrow but now i have another burden which is searching someone jus wan to replace that jack ass place. (pls forgive me for that inpolite word) i am really angry bout that.
I use the whole afternoon to find people for work. asking many friend for help. In the end, I have come across with this friend, MI FEI, I really need to thanks her coz she is helping me on this. because she can lend me her hand on this incident. really so aprreciate her help else i will be lack of 1 promoter for helping for me tomorrow.
from this story, i have learn a lesson that i have to find few more promoter for backup in case there is someone telling me the same story, i can straight away kick their ass and replace it with my other helper that i have stand by..
I am really hate people who cant keep their promise. I HATE PEOPLE BREAK THEIR PROMISE. So people out there, if you cant keep your promise on me please to promise me anything, else i will hate you as i hate the jack ass that i mention here..
Thursday, April 3, 2008
CLOT RED CAMO... it is hot...
Its been a long time that people never hear about the edc, or EDISON CHEN(which that is more familiar). he is a fashion leader, and 1 thing for sure is he is my idol.. i am so so so admired him. his style in street wear, is AWESOME. he can lead the fashion. But unluckly, because of some inciddent which it may not be and cant be disclose have been disclose. it lead to make his business down, no matter on the fashion business or his entertainment business. but this may not make me go away from him, coz i m stil supporting him. although many people is hate him, dislike him but for me, i feel that this is their own problem.Because of those inccident, u hate his talent?? no way, i wont be that childish, because i m looking toward his talent but not his social life. and 1 thing i wan to make it clear, this inciddent happen when those people are in love, are have their relationship. so why dont we people don so KE PO on it. people have their own right to do so.. u may do so if u wan(but i m recomment it). when they are in relationship, they can do whatever they want as long as both of them agree on it, but why we people wan to take a leg on the inccident, just wan to make the inccdent be more big, more huge.. in chinese 事不关己,己不劳心。。have you ever hear that. Now, people are keep on gossip about that, why don people here don wan to giv him a chance to stand up? giv him a chance to forgive him??
For his business, i think he have the talent in his fashion business. this is what i really really admired. C-L-O-T, not jus a simple name you know? this brand is awesome because it have crossover with mant many famous designer and also brand. jus like the example is, LEVI's sure all of you have acorss it rite? he did it, he have crossover with this brand and coming out few awesome jeans. this is damn cool. for me, i will always supporting him, and in my blog, i have update few song that i feel that is nice to listen and i have introduce to you all.. if you all free or when visit my blog, can go n OPEN YOU EAR and listen it.. people there, pls, pls ACT LIKE YOU KNOW!!! don jus follow people... EDC, ROCK!!
this is the C-L-O-T logo that i have mention in above..

this is the product crossover from CLOT and LEVIS

哈哈,有一段时间没回来了。。最近也许比较忙吧,所以中没有时间写写这网上日记。。一定有人会问,忙什么??忙功课,忙拍拖??忙工作??对,就是这几样,令到我快喘不过气了。。我的功课一天比一天多,多到我不想去做。。拍拖时间真地少了很多,可是没变,就是一定要抽出时间来陪陪她。。毕竟她是我最疼的。。女朋友选了就要疼。。所以不能怨。。工作??比以前多了。。因为我现在做两份工了。。对我来说,这个世界就是金钱做成的。。人类每天都要为了金钱而活。。有些人一定看到我降说后,觉得我太现实了,可是我呸。。你不要假假说你不是为钱而活。。不管是你或你的上一代,他们没有一个不是为了一个钱字而烦。。对我来说,"NO MONEY NO TALK"这句话一点都没错。。因为在现在这个社会,没钱没人会可怜你。。。就好想你想吃饭,少了十仙,你休想吃到。。。所以你们说钱不重要的,请用你所谓的头脑想。。每天多听到有人说我现实,我倒是觉得那些人还很幼稚,一点都不懂什么是现在的社会。。每个人都是为了钱而活。。所以我也只是为了钱而活。。没钱,就是没钱,不能买你要的东西,更不要想讲什么梦想。。
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