Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Recently, i have been bz with my University project, those seminar, assignment all make me sick.. i am even no much time to sleep in this few week. I jus finish my last week business project, this week is my seminar preparation.. I am really headached for it.. I am taking in charge in 1 of the performance, CAT WALK.. really bz bz bz... today actually is MALACA HISTORICAL day, but early morning have to wake up to campus meeting, then rehersal.. omg.. i am going to faint if this situation keep on going the same.. yesterday night doing all those rehersal til 11pm today early 9am need go campus meeting.. i am super duper tired.

beside that, my personal time is not enough.. working time is now add-ing in my normal timetable. i have no more free for it.. but wht can i say?? i have never blame on it. coz the main thing i really need is ---- money. i have no chance to say NO.. if there is a single chance to earn money i think i will too..

last few day, have a big argue with one of my fren.. really really serious offense. tat mayb is my careless, never check probably something tat should take, so make this fren so damn angry. but what can i say is jus a S-O-R-R-Y. i cant do anything. coz last few day have many emergency happen, but no need to tel out ppl, jus myself noe, is been no time for me to catch up with so many details stuff.. so mayb tis is d reason i have miss out something that should bring to my fren. my fren have told me that i have not appreciate other thing beside of my girlfren. i think my fren is going wrong.. i m not.. i jus have no time.. but watever, i jus dono wht the fuck is going on, i no time to explain. my job is not done yet, when does me have other time to explain such thing..

really really bz.. i think better u guys don simply come and kacau me.. i wil no much time to entertaint u all.. if u guys think that i padan muka coz wan take so much job in a time then jus let it be.. coz tis is MY OWN BUSINESS, i have never ever complain in front of anyone of u, so don try to get in my business. I don like ppl interupt me.. I HAVE MY OWN WAY TO LIVE. u can hate me, but pls don try to tok something bad behind me.. i HATE it. u think u wan to live easy and happy is ur business, don put ut mindset on me. I am ME, not U..

ARGGGGGG!!!! so damn angry when someone is toking bad story behind me.. if u have GUT and DARE ENOUGH, TOK IT IN FRONT OF ME STUPID IDIOT ASS HOLE....


Mitchy said...

Wahaha, ACT LIKE U KNOW....yea yea...agree..Want tok about people tok in front of their face but not behind them...Who tok behind people is coward and chicken lai de...wahaha

[K]v00n said...

yeah bro.. hahah, u r right.. we have our own live style, don simply say ppl livestyle not good, this is all those no ball guy will do.. wahhaha

GeOk kEE好きな♡ うち said...

hey ya....know u r very busy,
coz everytime see you also during your work time, do take care yourself...ok

[K]v00n said...

heheh, 10s for ur caring ya.. ya lo.. working ma, no money should work lo..